Christmas Eve Caroling in Coventry PEACE Park

Christmas Caroling at P.E.A.C.E. Park on Christmas Eve!

by Matt Moore


Come sing with neighbors for a little music therapy and Christmas joy on Thursday December 24, 6:00-6:30pm 


The friendly folks across the street (City Church) are hosting Christmas caroling in the park to lift our spirits and encourage those nearby. Neighbors of all ages and worldviews are welcome to this community event.


In keeping with Heights tradition, the park will be decorated with luminaries and we would love your voices to “decorate” the night air as we join together for singing! 


Light refreshments will be available to warm our hands (thanks to Coventry Village!) and digital songsheets will be available too. 


Email matt@citychurchcle if you would like to help volunteer, have questions or would like to connect your church/group/street. RSVP here on Facebook.