Eco-Fair 2021 in P.E.A.C.E Park!

Learn how to live sustainably in your everyday life while enjoying wellness activities and more at the 2021 Eco Fair in PEACE Park! The Cleveland Heights Eco Fair aims to connect NEO residents with resources that can guide them in their search for better, easier, more informed choices that align with their values of conservation and respect for the environment in which we all live. It's a celebration for families, community leaders, and businesses who are leading the way to a more sustainable way of life. Visit for complete details.

This year's eco event will feature several zones filled with different activities surrounding eco-friendly education and sustainable living. Between all the activities, resources, and the highly anticipated swap meet, you'll need your walking shoes to do it all! Check out what each zone will have to offer below along with the full schedule of events. For more information, go to, or head to their Facebook Event.

Sustainable Living Zone

Want to learn more about how to live a wholistic and sustainable lifestyle? The Sustainable Living Zone is a trove of resources and educational materials on the first steps to sustainability. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn more about the ecosystem they live in, and how to find a path to harmony with their environment.

In the Sustainable Living Zone you'll find resources and educational materials from:

  1. City Fresh: Access to fresh, local, sustainable, and affordable food to everyone.
  2. Automated Waste Collection: Everything you need to know about waste collection
  3. Cleveland Pollinator and Native Plant Symposium: Learn about creating pollinator and wildlife habitats with native plants and trees.
  4. Cuyahoga Solid Waste Department: Cuyahoga Solid Waste Department will answer all your questions on what to do with your waste.
  5. Refill Goodness: Bring your empty containers and refill away!
  6. Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District: Everything you need to know about protecting our water resources.
  7. Heights Tree People: Sign up for a free native tree!
  8. Rust Best Riders: All about composting
  9. Worm Workers: Learn about Vermicomposting

Eco Kids Zone

Let your kids run wild in our Eco Kids Zone! With everything we have planned they'll be enthusiastic nature-lovers by the end.

Learn about:

1. Bees and Pollinators

2. Composting with Worms

3. Where does Water go?

4. Upcycling


1. Upcycle Art

2. Chalk Art

3. Halloween Coloring Contest


1. Eco Scavenger Hunt

2. Swap Halloween Costumes

3. Bike Book

4. Corn Hole and Hoops

Wellness Zone

Take a moment to stretch, breathe, and move in our Wellness Zone. Between Tai Chi, Yoga, Juggling, Tumbling, and more, you'll be feeling both relaxed and energized. The Wellness Zone will feature the following activities:

11.00 am    QiGong session with Rich Plant

Gentle practice that focuses on cultivating energy through breathing exercises

12.00 pm     Kunda Yoga by Rhythm & Breath

Blend of breathing techniques, movement, and meditation - please bring your yoga mat

12.30 pm     Tai-Chi

Slow, focused movements accompanied by deep breathing

1.00 pm        Wizbang Circus children workshop

Learn how to juggle, clown, tumble, and much much more

2.15 pm       Capoeira Angola    

Brazilian martial arts combined with dance

Swap Zone

Instead of throwing out your unwanted items, bring them to the Swap Zone. Here you can trade items you don't need for ones that you do. This year Eco-Fair is partnering with the Buy Nothing Project, a place where you can post your unwanted items to trade locally. Click here to find a local group to join.

Our featured item for this swap is Halloween costumes! Bring your old costumes to snag a new one for the holiday.

The Swap Zone will also feature a Recycling Drop-Off, you can bring the following items to be recycled:

  1. Empty toiletries containers with a #1 or #2 recycle symbol
  2. Old string lights
  3. Old lawn signs
  4. Empty planting pots
  5. and more!

Learn more here: