Heights Eco Fair in Coventry Village

Coventry Village in partnership with the Cleveland Heights Green Team, Heights Libraries, FutureHeights, and Amplify on Coventry is hosting the 2nd annual Heights Eco Fair on October 8th from noon to 4.00 pm at the Coventry PEACE Park in Cleveland Heights.

The purpose of the fair is to connect Heights’ residents with local resources with the intention to highlight and promote a more environmentally friendly and healthier lifestyle. 

 The lineup of exhibitors and partners is extensive and organized in four categories: Sustainable Living; Healthy Living; Eco Kids; and Swap Zone. Residents can bring their unwanted, but in working condition, CDs, video games, DVDs, VHS, cassettes, as well as children’s books. They can swap or take media and books. Leftovers will be recycled by GreenDisk or donated to organizations in need.

The fair will also feature performances by local artists, healthy and sustainably sourced food for purchase, a community bike ride organized by Bike Cleveland, and yoga and dance in the park. One major addition to this year’s program is an upcycled art exhibit by CH-UH High School students. Visitors will get a chance to admire the students’ works of art and vote on their favorites.

The Eco Fair is a family friendly-community-building event where visitors can participate in hands-on activities that can increase their awareness of sustainability practices while introducing them to a wide variety of vendors with expertise in earth-friendly techniques and pro-tips. 

Visit https://www.chgreenteam.org/eco-fair-2022 for a complete list of activities, exhibitors, performances, and parking information.